Implementing good policies for children and youth is an enormous challenge at every level of government in Brazil. In a project, funded by the State of Rio de Janeiro Research Division (FAPERJ), CIESPI is examining the difficulties of implementing the 2009 Rio municipal policy on street children. This policy, adopted by the Rio Children’s Rights Council, was itself the result of efforts by CIESPI and colleague organizations and coalitions. The current study examines recent bibliographic data and other material on the attempts to improve the lives of street children in Brazil in general and in Rio in particular. CIESPI has been involved in the main efforts to implement the policy since 2009 and has, therefore, a first-hand understanding of the challenges of implementation. The bibliographic work is made public in a data base entitled The child and adolescent street populations in Brazil: Academic research 2000-2015.
Project team
Coordination: Irene Rizzini - DSS/PUC-Rio; CIESPI/PUC-Rio
Executive coordination: Maria Cristina Bó - CIESPI/PUC-Rio
Executive coordination assistant: Claudia Mendes - CIESPI/PUC-Rio
Renata Brasil - CIESPI/PUC-Rio
Adriana Alice Gomes - CIESPI/PUC-Rio
Scholarship holders
Aline Rastelli - DSS/PUC-Rio, Iniciação Científica PIBIC/CNPq
Julia de Castilho Ramos - DSS/PUC-Rio, FAPERJ