Bibliographic Data Bases
The Bibliographic Data Bases bring together complete texts and abstracts of article, theses, and dissertations related to themes and projects in progress at CIESPI-PUC-Rio. They were constructed from an extensive scan of national and international academic writing. The entries organize the current theoretical and methodological debates on the Child and adolescent populations living in the situation of the streets in Brazil, Institutionalized youth populations, Child and youth participation in Latin America and Education in Early Childhood. The data bases have been designed to facilitate the search for and easy access to key texts and summaries as well as analyses of these materials by CIESPI staff.

The Educational and Cultural Play Center of Rocinha, Rio de Janeiro
The center was established in 2004 with the assistance of CIESPI in association with PUC-Rio and professionals as well as youth in the community of Rocinha who were active in the areas of education and culture. It is a Point of Culture characterized by mobile activities that focus on the areas of education, health and culture. Its aim is to build a space for debate and action that values Rocinha's history, memory, culture and educational practices, and its playfulness and freedom of creation. Visit the NEW BLOG with CIESPI's over 10 years vast collection.

Legal Database
The Legal Database (Base Legis) is an ongoing virtual historical archive on Brazilian constitutions, laws, bills, and decrees on children and adolescents. It also contains international treaties, declarations, accords and agreements on children and adolescents, containing legislative documents dating from the early nineteenth century to the present day (1831 to 2021). BASE LEGIS International is a collection referring to the main international legal instruments and treaties about the rights of children and adolescents, of which Brazil is a signatory.
This database is updated on a continuing basis, is open to the public, and has search capacities.