With the support of the Federal Ministry of Education, professor Irene Rizzini is coordinating a project with the aim of researching the various social and educational supports offered to young people in trouble with the law in the cities of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo. The project will look at some aspects of legal implementation that imply processes of judicialization and others that entail insuring the rights of young people. This is project carried out by the Department of Social Work at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro represented by professor Irene Rizzini and professor Antonio Carlos de Oliveira, in partnership with CIESPI/PUC-Rio and the Catholic University of Sao Paulo, represented by professor Aldaiza Sposati.

Research team
Coordination: Irene Rizzini - PUC-Rio/CIESPI
Executive Coordination: Maria Cristina Bó - PUC-Rio/CIESPI
Partnership: PUC-SP e CIESPI/PUCRio (International Center for Research and Policy on Childhood)


Professors of the Departament of Social Work: Irene Rizzini and Antonio Carlos de Oliveira (coordination); Sindely Alchorne (research).

Research Consultants: Sabrina Celestino and Luciana Araujo

Interns: undergraduate students of the Department of Social Work, PUC-Rio): Ana Gabriela de Paiva Gonçalves, Claudia Cristina Ferreira de Freitas, Ivanize Souza Mota de Oliveira, Márcia de Albuquerque Soares, Mônica Regina de Almeida Figueiredo, Pedrilson de Souza Magalhães.

Research Center on Children and Adolescents - NCA and Center for the Study of Social Security and Social Assistance - NIEPSAS Deparment of Social Work, PUC/SP Aldaiza Sposati (coordination).

Guest professor of the Department of Law: Eduardo Dias Ferreira.

Research assistants: Valdenia Aparecida Paulino Lanfranchi; Fabiana Vicente de Moraes; Marilia Cerqueira Lima; Kamila de Souza Gouveia; Paola Cordeiro Pessanha; Paula Avanzi.

Research collaborators: Isabel Cristina Bueno da Silva; Eliana Garrafa; Fabiana Gouvêa; Vanessa Rombola Machado; Eloisa Gabriel dos Santos.