Two Years of research and action focusing young people´s participation and protagonism

This publication constructed as an infographic summarizes the outcomes of a case study entitled “Youth Participation and Protagonism in Brazil: A Study in the Southern Region of the State of Rio de Janeiro”, which is part of the International and Canadian Child Rights Partnership (ICCRP), with the support of Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. The project is coordinated internationally by professor Tara Collins (School of Child and Youth Care - Toronto Metropolitan University) and, in Brazil, by professor Irene Rizzini (Department of Social Service - Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro and Director of CIESPI/ PUC-Rio). The case study was carried out in four cities in the Southern region of the State of Rio de Janeiro: Barra do Piraí, Barra Mansa, Pinheiral and Volta Redonda. The objective is to analyze intergenerational relationships and practices to envision strategies to incorporate the voices and demands of children and youth. The study produced interesting results, among which we highlight: 1) The importance of raising awareness among children, youth and adult counselors about the relevance of child and youth participation in the Municipal Councils for the Rights of Children and Adolescents (CMDCA); 2) The opportunity to participate in conferences on children’s rights at municipal, state and national levels, and 3)The development of materials such as: “Recommendations to the CMDCAs on Child and Youth Participation”; “Practical Guide to Promote Children and Youth´s Protagonism” and “Interactive Guide with references on Children’s Participation and other rights”. Some of the key project’s initiatives highlighted in the infographic included: a) Several activities with young people in schools; b) Meetings at the CMDCAs and the Social Assistance Reference Centers (CRAS) and c) Partnerships with local institutions to promote intergenerational debates and discussions on strategies to increase civic participation of young people. The study reinforced the importance of intergenerational dialogue and the strengthening of participatory spaces in promoting the rights of children and youth.

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