Latest launch events for the book Black girls: the story of my afro

The project Safe, Inclusive and Participative Pedagogy: Improving Early Childhood Education, a partnership between, among others, the University of Edinburgh (Scotland) and CIESPI/PUC-Rio, offered institutional support to publish the book “Black girls: the story of my Afro".

The book brings together stories by two children, Alice Pereira and Julia Gomes and their mothers, Daniele Pereira and Eliane Gomes about the children’s Afro hair styles. The stories address personal experiences with their Afros and how they dealt with racism from early childhood, overcoming fears and prejudices, as well as strengthening self-esteem. The work also highlights how the theme goes beyond international borders by including stories of Ada and Marie, mother and daughter who live outside Brazil. 


The book was illustrated by the children themselves, with cover design and layout by Adilson Adão and Leonardo Silva, both Black young people, adding authenticity and relevance to the narrative. All stages of the process (presentation of the authors, back cover, editing and literary review) had the participation of individuals from different ethnic backgrounds, reinforcing a collective commitment to anti-racist education.


The book was launched on May 13 2024 during the 22nd National Museum Week (IBRAM/MINC), in an activity promoted by Sankofa Museum (Memory and history of Rocinha), in the Rinaldo De Lamare Citizenship Center auditorium. The meeting focused on building anti-racist strategies in educational spaces in the Rio de Janeiro community of Rocinha, with the participation of Eliane Gomes and Julia Gomes. The session also featured the presentation of the animation "Histórias de YaYá" (Stories by YaYá), directed by Reinaldo Sant´ana, which addresses black and African ancestry in an engaging way. 



On May 19th the work was also launched at the Santa Teresa Literary Festival (FLIST), which took place for the first time at the City History Museum, located in the neighborhood of Gávea (Rio de Janeiro). 


Eliane Gomes, one of the authors of Black girls: the story of my Afro hair” and Andrea Taubman, author of “Não Me Toca, Seu Boboca” (Don´t touch me, you fool), led a panel on the role of children's literature in preventing intra-family violence. Both presenters highlighted the importance of protecting and educating children, adolescents and adults.

For more information about the project, click here.


To access the complete version of the book, visit our website