CIESPI/PUC-Rio launches the most recent update of the bibliographic database on Children and Youth Participation, with the support of FAPERJ.

In 2022 the database Child and Youth Participation – Academic Production in Latin America (2005-2022) became a part of the project Citizen Participation: Child and Youth Population in Focus. Coordinated by professor Irene Rizzini and with the support of FAPERJ (CNE – Process n. E-26/201.113/2022) the project aims to analyze different aspects related to participation and protagonism of children, adolescents and young people in Brazil, with a particular emphasis on already existing initiatives in the city of Rio de Janeiro.


The database began to be developed in 2016 and its main topic refers to the center´s multiple researches and in action activities. The database was made possible due to a partnership between CIESPI/PUC-Rio and Ryerson University, currently Toronto Metropolitan University (Canada). Previous updates were carried out by the International and Canadian Child Rights Partnership (ICCRP network) with the support of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and by CAPES-PRINT Institutional Program for Internationalization (Public Notice n. 41/2017).


Now we present the most recent update of the database with an extended bibliographic survey including 2022, contemplating the current Brazilian and Latin American academic production. We also carried out a broad review and improvement of the methodological parameters used throughout the research. The database currently has 207 articles in Portuguese and 153 in Spanish totalizing 360 publications available for download. The common link between the scholarly production is the systematization of concepts, definitions and theoretical-methodological contributions related to child and youth participation. 


Aware of the limits imposed by an international survey such as unequal access to international publications, we conclude this survey with the certainty that it offers an in-depth and broad sample of what has been published on the subject of child and youth participation in Brazil and in other Latin American countries.


Access the database Child and Youth Participation – Academic Production in Latin America (2005-2022)

To learn more about the project Citizen Participation: Child and Youth Population in Focus access here.