CIESPI at PUC-Rio participates in the fifth anniversary of the National Pact on Early Childhood

In late August 2024, the National Council of Justice (CNJ), the Superior Labor Court (TST), and the Advanced School of the Federal Public Prosecutor (ESMPU) held a seminar to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the National Pact on Early Childhood. The event took place in partnership with signatories of the Pact including CESPI at PUC-Rio.

The objective of the event was to showcase advances since the signing of the Pact and to renew the agreement for the next five years in an effort to comply with the principle of the absolute priority of children in the Federal Constitution, the Statute on the Child and the Adolescent and the First Law on Early Childhood. Activities included round tables, exhibits and thematic workshops all stressing the protagonism of young children. The opening seminar included the participation of the president of the CNJ, and the minister of the Federal Supreme Court, Luis Roberto Barroso.

At the event it was announced that the Ministry of Human Rights and Citizenship (MDHC) would assume the coordination of the Pact previously held by the National Council of Justice. Irene Rizzini, professor in the Department of Social Services at PUC-Rio and president of CIESPI and Carolina Terra, researcher at CIESPI, participated in the workshop on the strategic role of universities in the implementation of the First Law on Early Childhood.

The National Pact

The National Pact was signed by more than 300 organizations from every level of government, civil society, international organizations, universities and the priva-te sector.